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Day 180 a.k.a 6 months

It had been 6 month. Officially today...whats my feeling? Dunno.... definitely still a bit sad. But i think i felt much much better now. I can face it... ya... on and off.. i know, time will heals everything. But seriously it is not that easy. The biggest problem is, we work at same place.. i meet him almost everyday.. thats the hardest!!! I need courage for that!!!
I smile, I laugh..  but deep inside my heart... broken... totally injured..
Agreed bila org kata org yang paling kerap ketawa adalah orang yang paling sedih... that' s me!!!!😂
I dunno until when i can stand. Im trying my best... yes... im a bit rebellious nowadays. I alway break the rules. 😅
I just dont want to stay longer at office. I try to minimize my time .
I dream abt him a few time last week. Dunno what does it mean. I hope my bad instinct wont happen. The most important thing, i dont want to put any hope anymore. Putting too much hope will make me disappointed. So, better just leave it like this.. gambateh Faza... u can do it. Just rely on Allah.. He know better...


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