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Showing posts from September 25, 2011

aku stress ada kawan mcm kau!!!!

like usually, bila da problem baruk gago nak buka blog...lurah hdp aku.. be honest, sepanjang 29 thn aku hdp kt dunia tok, just now i realize it's not easy to find a  good friend. kwn yg kita sangka kwn, rupanya talam dua muka, hipokrit, gunting dlm lipatan, kwn mkn kwn..nang semua lengkap..sedih glk2... i put trust on her, but see what she do to me??stab frm the back...really sad & disappointed.. she totally different frm her sister. married, but doesn't act like someone who i aspect to be matured after changing her status..jealous x tentu psl. just small matter, but see what happened? i'll forgive her, but not to forget. Not so easy to give forgiveness. i'm not trust you anymore. as u wish, i'll get out from your life my dear friend. no more hang out, no more movies.. just keep my word.. i 'll do it, i wont interfere  your life anymore. until one day, u'll looking for me again..we'll see.. you make me sad, angry, disappointed, so i'll do this.