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Day 71: Letter to Fazalena Johari

Dear Faza,

days 71
It's more than enough
its exceed your own target

its time for you to really-really move on
forget everything

I know its not easy
You struggle a lots 
You cried a lots
You stress with everything that happened

but Faza..

you are strong girl
you had been faced some many challenged in your life before
you lost a lots of thalassaemia and cancer friends
you almost lost your bestfriend a.k.a Zanel
you been infected with H1N1
you have Steven Johnson Syndrome due to Exjade
you injured yourself and got 8 stitched while working for health screening
name it!!!
you face it with BRAVE and SMILE!!!

please don't be weak just because one person
one person that hurt your feeling
and you forgot a bunch of families and friends that loves your everyday

Dear Faza,

Please appreciate your life....
you known as Kak Yong that always give courage to her thal sister and brother
you always motivate them to think positive in life
you always give advice to them..never give up with life...
but why now.. you can't do same thing to yourself??
think positive....please FAZA!!!

Dear Faza,

Let it go...
and don't turn back anymore
there is no turning back
keep walking
and look forward 
think about your future
think about your parent and family
think about your health
think about yourself
you can't be like this forever
leave what hurts you behind
and enjoy your life while you still have time

Dear Faza. 
Remember that Allah has a greater plan for you... what you need to do now is be patience and Trust Allah..

#sabr #trustALLAH

as you always say's..."life must goes on"....

                                                                                        Fazalena Johari


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