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2013..Flu+fever please go away!!!

2nd day of 2013.. So sadddd...dah kenak flu..huhu..=(.. Be honest, i'm being paranoid bila kenak flu n fever!! Takut and jerak with past experience.

Still remember 2010, about 2 week after new year eve celebration at Grand Magherita Hotel, i got fever, and flu. Mula-mula ingatkan demam biasa. Cuma yang berbeza, the whole body rasa lemah gilak2.. No respiratory problem. Mula2 kenak ari Sabtu, pulang dari Pasar Satok, feel weak and chill. Getting worse on Sunday, the whole day lying on the sofa. Feel very terrible. Selalunya mun demam sikda teruk gilak kedak ya. Then monday, turun kerja macam biasa. Mula2 gik ok. But then felt very weak and very2 cold. So, pergi daycare. Ingatkan nak rest and mintak ubat jak. P doktor ngga teruk gilak. So, review by doktor, and suspect with Influenza H1N1..Oh My!!!! So, kenak swab throat. Doktor advice, sick leave for one week, and must be quarantine. But me?? Msh degil and x mauk dengar advise doktor. Lagik terkayo2 kt SGH. Then kebetulan jumpa Dr Ong. Inform nya, she also advice sick leave.Ok..Now i followed her advise.  So, after lunch and settle everything related with research, balik rumah. Sampe2 jak rumah, mummy call, result dah keluar, POSITIF!!! Huhu..rasa nak nangis...wuaaaaaa...

So bermula lah episod kuarantin di rumah sendiri.. Almost everyday, my haematologist, Dr Chew call me. Tanya progress. Perghhhh... terharu beb!!!! Yang x best nya, nama jak sick leave. P msh juak bekerja dari rumah. Plh phone call, remind everyone on their schedule.. Nang berkhidmat utk kerajaan lah...hahhaha..After kuarantin seminggu, yes!!! Alhamdulillah, sihat seperti biasa.. Luckily i'm survive. Sbb bila ngga Dr Chew pun study on H1N1, ada beberapa org yg pass away.

So, since that.. saya sangat paranoid bila kena demam and flu. Bimbang sejarah berulang kembali... Hopefully, just demam biasa...Amin...


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