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Thalassaemia Motivation Camp 2013: Miri Region

Yes!!! Another Motivation Camp for year 2013. Our last camp for this year. Overall, i can say, very successful, well organize..hahaha..puji dirikpun lok!!!! Just after 6th NTS kat Sabah, we continue our programme at Miri.. Very hectic week!!! Tapi best!!! sebab dapat jumpa all my thala friend and adik-adik..

Khairul and me reached Miri quite early. Loke fetch us and sent us to Bintang Plaza for shopping. Yes, Loke too busy sampe x dapat nak join we all. Even camp pun nya x pergi..adoi!!! orang harapan aku!!! So, nya just ambik and anta..haha... We need to do some shopping sebab ada a few thing like stationery, prizes for games belum di beli. Malas nak angkut dari Kuching.. so we shopping at Miri!!! x sampe sejam dah habis with shopping.. Mmg sekejap... Spent almost RM 200 for all this thing.. Claims jangan x claims!!! Lunch, makan jak kt mana2 kedai yg ada. Last2 we two pilih station one.. Then, just tunggu loke ambik around 1pm. 

My sis in law dapat ambik pkl 5pm. So, we still have almost 4 hours.. Lol... At the end, we 2 choose to wait at Miri Hospital. Sambil ya, sempat packing barang untuk games and also plh nametag. Luckily ada Natalie yang baik hati... Thank you Natalie !!! 

The next day, breakfast with my bro and sister. My dad flight sampe Miri pkl 8am. So, after mbik nya, we all pg breakfast.. After done with breakfast, my brother hantar Khairul and me to Miri Hospital. Waaa... rami dah patient and parent yg nggu... semua dah excited nak pergi.. tapi!!! Hari hujan!!! Oh My!! Macam ne nak plh jungle trekking!!! It's ok... we have plan B..=)!!!  Our bus sampe quite late.. Suppose 12pm dah sampe. Tapi pkl 12.30pm brk nampak. Sekali datang...MTC Ekspress... waaa....Sggh VIP...TQ Loke!!!! Next time boleh suruh kau lagik... Almost 1pm brk kmk org angkat dr GH. Almost 2pm sampe.. Bt the time reached resort, participants dr Limbang, Lawas and Bintulu semua dah sampe.. Yang best.. welcome drink!!! Mmg best... Siap dengan gamelan... Will consider to do camp at same place in future..=)

After check in, (of coz ada problem sbb ada yg cancel, ada yg suddenly mbak the whole family, but manage to settle it) we continue our program with resort tour. Memandangkan hari hujan plus we have a lots of children so the staff advise to go for resort tour. The tour took almost 2 hours.. But it was fun sbb ada light trekking and trailer. Borneo Rainforest memang besar. Siap ada ladang buah-buahan lagik. happy to see all participant enjoyed the trip. 5pm baruk our group abis tour. The other group habis awal sikit compare with us. Sampe jak resort, terus pergi for high tea.. On the way balit lobby, jumpa my dad tengah lepak sambil minum air nyior with Dr Ong, Aci Yong and Adeline... Khairul pun tumpang sekaki minum air nyior, but not me.. Then, we all balit bilik and ready for dinner. 

Dinner start at 6.30pm. After dinner, program continue with sharing perspectives. Start with Dr Ong, Shafie & Norman mother, and also Nur Afif mother, Rosnah as a patient and also myself and last but not least, Aci Yong from nurses perspectives. The program finished before 10pm. Dr Ong sempat review nya pun patient. We all, do some sharing and check desferal use among thalas. Masih ada yang x betul pake. So, we all yg otai pun share our experience in using desferal. Almost 11pm baruk kmk org balit..sempat lgk lepak2 with Dr Bibiana, Aci Yong, Adeline, & Dr Ong sambil makan kelupis...hahaha... Tq NS Wang!! Walaupun nya x datang, tp ttp kirum brg ngan kmk 3 Dr Ong. Ikan tahai pun ada juak!!! NS Wang..really appreciate it!!!

Flight Lee pkl 11pm something baruk sampe.. So Khairul and Me perlu tggu Lee datang. Almost 12.30am baruk nya smpe.. Kesian.. everytime datang, msti nya ambik last flight. Dah la tmpt program semua hujung dunia...haha.. 1st word from Lee..."menyesal aku x datang awal"...hahhaa.. he so excited to see the place.. What to do, you choose the last flight. I just follow ur request..;p..

The next day, early morning breakfast. I like the breakfast sebab ada bubur hospital...hahhaa... How i miss my hospital porridge.. Before 8am, Khairul and me dah pergi seminar room. Prepare all the thing for talk. Tapi delayed a few minutes sebab most of kids belum sampe.. So, almost 8.15am baruk start lecture by Dr Ong... Topic? Mcm previous camp, Hidup atau Mati? Pilihan di tangan anda... Sggh kejam!!! hehehe

After finished with Dr Ong lecture, continue dgn Lee pun session. Like usually, always be my favourite.. And like usually, ada part bertangisan...hahaha.. tapi rasanya this time lagik sedih compare with Sabah last year.. A letter to.... 2 kali menangis. 1st part Lee cerita tentang Zanel and 2nd time, A letter to.. Cdak MO pun nangis juak..hehehe.. 2 thumbs up Lee.. Next time sure kmk org ambik lagik...=)

Program finished at 12pm... After lunch, everyone dah busy nak balit. Sedih..=(..Gonna miss my adik-adik.. Especially yg dari Limbang and Lawas. So ambik kesempatan bergambar dengan cdak nya... Mei mei yang sombong ya pun tiba-tiba mauk bergambar la pulak..Si Nolorina mmg friendly and sik takut... Really miss all of them!!! Bus 1pm baruk smpe.. Some of them stay back sampe petang, alang2 dah byr nak. Lagipun kesian cdak masa untuk cdak nya have fun and mandi kat kolam.. So just gv them a chance... We all, sampe jak bas, trs balik Miri Hospital. Soooo tired... Sit wit Natalie, aci Yong, Aki and Jack.. Memang kecoh... Aki pun blh tahan..hahaha..

Sampe jak hospital, Aci yong call taxi, just tunggu a few minit then terus pergi airport. Sempat lagi nemu budak nakal 4 orang kat sia.. Lee pun flight pun actually almost same with us.. Tapi anak ya sengaut sekali jak.. Last-last sama jak bertemu kat airport.. Hello Lee!!! Miri hospital and airport ya dekat jak!!! hahaha... So, flight pukul 4 sumthing.. 5 sumthing sampe kuching... end of journey for 2013.. 2014??? dunno yet... so far no plan at all... just wait and see...

sempat gik berkampung kat sitok the day before program...

heading to Borneo Tropical Rainforest

everyone is here!!!

ready for resort tour???

selfie lok..btw, belakang ya ada rusa...hehe

i thought we all gonna stay here...mmm... verangan jak lah...

one thing i notice about this resort... quotes is everywhere...

another quotes...

waterpark di tengah-tengah hutan... 

ready for boat ride..

safety always come first..

talapia..remind me with Chao Phraya river..

ladang buah limau

sangkar ikan air tawar

excited dah nangga trailer tok.. x perlu berjalan lagik..yeaaa...

i luv Sarawak!!

say cheese!!

pose wajib...hahaha...pose termenung...;p

colouring contest for children...
must do this..otherwise cdak nya bising..

pay attention to Dr Ong talk

sharing session with Rosnah..
Bukan main lagik dalam bilik nya training..
last-last x sampe 5 minit....adoiiii...
Kak Faza jugak yg terpaksa cover...

breakfast time..
Aki & Jack Yii.. malu-malu kucing...=)

Nurul and Aliya

Sharmizi and Al Aziz..bff...hehehe

group lawas

my fav!!! rasa bubur hospital dolok-dolok...

sempat gik ambik gambar kuda mandi...hahhaa

Dr Ong session...Live or Death??

Brunei patients...

parents group

another parent group

Nurses group

Brunei +Sibu+ Lawas patients


young patients

another group for young patients

Al Aziz...why u soooo cute...
Khusyuk nulis surat untuk ibu...

Lee session...
always be my favorite...

bermula lah sesi menangis..:'(

part tok memang sedih..
Aziz just tulis 'Aziz sayang mak'
but me?? dah nangis mcm apa...

Asrul and his mother...

Dania and Addina.. Last time jumpa, gik kecik nya 2 tok..
terkejut nangga nya 2 dah time flies...

Kak Yong umpan Dania dengan ipad...
mun x, maksih jak nya mauk bergambar..

group photo

Now i know, sabah dekat lagik dari kuching....hehehe

see??? now we know how big this resort..

with my adik-adik dari Lawas...

adik-adik from Miri...

patients and parents from Lawas

with my fellow friends from Brunei..
hopefully we can meet again...

i like this.....

our program..

yup... as i said... full with quotes...


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