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6th National Thalassaemia Seminar

I'm back!!!! Yes, the 6th National Thalassaemia Seminar a.k.a NTS was held last month on 20th & 21st November 2013 at One Borneo Sabah. Sabah lagik??? 2nd time pergi Sabah this year. Like usually, muka wajib pergi, Faza n Khairul..hahaha... But not sponsor by STS, tp by Mr N...;p... Its ok STS x mauk sponsor, still have 1001 way to go...hehe... Actually only me sponsor by N. But manage to find cheap flight, so boleh masuk Khairul sekali. If not mmg nya perlu sdn bhd la nampak gayanya...

We two use Mas, and same flight with Uncle Dunstan. We go one day earlier, on 19th November. Yang x best, member2 lain from KL n Penang semua dah sampe in the afternoon, we 2 masih lgk kat Kuching. Jeles sih!!! Bila nangga post "at Philippines market".. Walaupun actually dah x tauk apa nak di beli kat sia...hahaha... Pkl 5pm reach KK, plus jammed lagik, around 7pm brk smpe hotel. Yang best bila sama flight ngan Mr President, x dapat nak escape Federation Meeting @ 7.30 pm... Mmg penyeksaan!!! Dahlah akhir habis, around 10pm baruk blt bilik...Hampeh!!!! Nak melepak pun x dpt. Sampe bilit, terus plh lucky draw pun prizes. Last2.. pukul 12 brk tidur.. waaaa... Next day perlu bangun awal lagik!!!

By 7am dah pergi breakfast, coz pukul 8am dah start registration. Time registration biasalah, bila thala bertemu thala mmg havoc..havoc..havoc..hehehe... Lps ya, keluar lah..Kak Yong!!! Kak Yong!!! And yes, 1st time juak bertemu Brunei patient. Not bad... hensem...hahhaha... Mama, Zanel and Adda, mcm biasa, duty jaga federation pun booth.. Kesian.. kat Sabah pun duty juak... Zanel?? Mcm biasa, diam je, senyum je.. dgn Kak Faza nya jak, mauk berguro kit... =)

Mlm mcm biasa Dinner of Hope. Byk yg x puas hati..Especially part lucky draw and dress competition.. Can't say anything.. Nobody is perfect, ok.. This year, i'm lucky..yeaaa...Tapi, patients Sabah mmg talented.. I admit that.. 

21st Nov, last day of seminar...Yeaaa.. Prof Vip session... Like usually, he always noticed us.." oh!!! My Malaysian friend!!!"..hehe.. Datuk Rahman called him Thalassaemia Selebriti...hahhaa.. Agreed!!!! Mmg last day ya, semua org ngepong nya, nak bergambar sama. Tp kmk org advance lgk, the day nya baruk sampe, kmk org dah start bergambar ngan nya. Time ya kmk org jak berani bergambar dengan nya. Then, the next day ya bila kmk org bergambar lgk dgn nya, semua org dah start ngagak juak... maybe they just realize Prof Vip actually very sporting..hehhee

Last day juak, saya pun mcm selebriti bila keluar hall kjp, semua adik2 from Sabah nunggah mbak bergambar... Rupa2nya, cdaknya mencari Kak Yong... adik2ku!!! korang escape lecture ye!!! tapi Kak Yong tunaikan request adik2 nya..hehe... 

After abis seminar, check out hotel.. Luggage smpn kt lobi, blt lgk ke tmpt lunch cz x smpt nak bersalam ngan mama sbb busy entertain Brunei pts. Bila smpe tmpt mkn, smbg lgk bergambar..Adui!! nang x pande abis. Tp terlupak nak bergambar dgn Dr Jafanita... Miss her so much.. Almost 2 years x jumpa nya.. Hopefully NTS next year nya ada lagik... 

Yes, kmk 2 Khairul lunch kt Nando's!!! Wajib bah!!! lps lunch, Kak Dayang volunteer anta epergi hotel. tp sempat lagik nya mbak pergi rumah terbalik..Thanks Kak Dayang!!! Jasanmu dikenang.. Petang , kmk 2 try dinner kt pasar mlm kt psr filipina.. Blh thn jual mahalnya..Tgh kmk 2 nggu k  mkn, Stave call mbak dinner juak.. Ala!!! Terlambat beberapa minit la stave.. Stave x puas hati cz dah janji nak belanja makan. So he promise he'll sent us to airport the next day..So, the next day, pkl 6.30am, stave dah ambik kmk 2 anta kt airport and belanja breakfast.. Thanks Stave... mmg terbaik!!! Always treat us every time we go Sabah.. 

Our flight pkl 8am sumthing. This time we use Airasia.. and yes...we are heading to Miri not Kuching.. We still have another Thalassaemia program waiting for us.. Miri Thalassaemia Camp 2013.. Will post about that later!!!

Like usually, let photo tells everything...

selfie dolok!!!!

with our bapak!!!
Uncle Dunstan...

our lunch...

ai!!!sedih nangga tikar tok...
very disappointed..=(

bila Sarawak+Sabah+KL+Penang...

with abang long.. a.k.a Moses..
x mauk ngakuk nya abg long...hehehe..

yes!!! After 2 years.. i met her again..
Prof Mary...

with Brunei pts, Mizan and Prof Vip...

Kenneth laugh at me when he saw me took this photo...
" aiya.. this thing pun mauk ambik gambar???"hahaha..

Dinner of Hope...

tiba2 jak, nyuruh ambik gambar..Zanel..zanel...

with my adik-adik from Kota Marudu...

performance from Sabah patients.. very talented...

mcm biasa...nang x dapat nangga cermin...hehehe

my lucky draw prizes...

with SR Doreen...

with Novartis team...

yea... again..with Prof Vip

long time no see, friend...Zie...

Thnk you Kak Dayang!!!
luv u...

me with Datuk K..

suruh ambik group photo, nya ambik selfie dolok...
abang long oooo abang long...

with baby yang cute....

with my adik2....
glad to see you all again..=)

setia bersama...
walau seorang di timur, sorang di barat...
luv uols...

Yeah...Nando's time..
suddently think of sumone bila mkn Nando's
siapakah org itu???? hehehe...

dalam toilet pun sempat juak!!!
yg penting..cermin...hahaha

don't you see that??? basikal terbalik...


i'm superwoman!!!!!

watch out!!!

 rumpai laut...the green one ok!!!
ikan susu bakar with sotong...yummy....

yes!!!! borneo post..tq uncle...


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