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3rd Thalassaemia Adventure Camp

Yeaaaa... Another Thala Adventure Camp organize by Hospital Wanita dan Kanak-Kanak Likas.. Camp yg ke 3, but ke2 yang aku join. I'm not join the first one, only 2nd and 3rd... Overall, mmg best!!! Yang x best nya, i can't do all the activities sbb still injured.... x suka!!!!

7 of us from Sarawak yg attend the camp. 6 from Kuching, Lai, Ben, Borhan, Syed Zainal, Dr Bibiana and myself. Then Loke from Miri. Our flight was on Friday morning, 9am... Arrived KKIA at 10.30 am.. Loke pun flight lagik la awal, 8 am.. Bising member...hahaha.. So, we all by 7.30am dah ada kt airport... Paling best, Syed...pkl 6.30am dah smpe.. Sampe Kak Yong gik kena serao..." Apa Kak Yong lambat tok??"... Semangat na miak ya...7.15am, brk smpe airport..Almost all dah ada...Kecuali Ben n Lai... Memang kecoh kt airport..Sapa lgk sll molah bising mun x si Syed.. 

Around 11am, we all pergi Outward Bound School. It takes 45 min to reach there.. OBS mmg besar.. It's a school actually..So, ada dorm, dining hall siap dgn loceng, toilet and bathroom kena share..Pendek kata, mmg boarding school la... Mcm biasa, Faza mmg famous...hahaha...perasan.. Tp, sampe jak sia.. Some of participant mmg pernah jumpa before.. So we already know each other.. Org pertama yg aku jumpa Dale..Then gt Moses, Ning, Bell, Mokhsin, Nazri, Uncle Francis and of coz Ns Doreen...

1st day, games dah start.. Mula2 bagi kumpulan.. Why i'm always in group 1?? Last year pun group 1 juak.. So, in my group, sorang pun aku x kenal.. Kecuali Mokhsin.. Sbb nya ada join last year pun camp. Tapi different group, so x rapat gilak. So this year kmk 2 sama group. And yg best, dua2 try to be low profile n x mauk jadi ketua..hahaha.. And guess what?? it work... kmk 2 x perlu jadi leader.. Boring la mun everytime camp knk suruh jd leader. So this time beri peluang yg muda2 jd leader.. we 2 just beri idea bila diperlukan. 
Games?? hari tok, x lasak glk game.. some of game pernah polah before.. so dah tahu camne nak main... Part paling best, plh tent... Oh my!! first time ok!!! Bila dah tent, means that we all kena tidur kat dalam khemah la.. So that night, first time tido dlm khemah.. It was new experience.. before that, smpt gik main train dlm gelap+dalam hutan...waaaa..miang nya kaki saya.. mmg x tahan lagik rasanya..tapi i try to finish the games. Alhamdulillah berjaya!! but part paling x best, our train pecah 3.. so kena marah ler!!! and yes... ada sharing session.. i hate this session.. sebab usually mesti kak yong yg kena.. try to ask Lai, but he don't want. so at the end, kak yong jugak.. still looking for someone good in presentation.. yg penting spontan.. but so far, still can't find who...

Next day...mmg adventure... Awl pagi, pkl 6 dah berkumpul kat dewan.. Sapa lambat kena denda... Tapi malu la..all my team from Sarawak (except me) kena denda...Aiyooo bro!!! After breakfast, first games was treasure hunt. Almost finish the games. Only the last games x smpt habiskan sbb brp  kali dah pergi checkpoint ya, tapi kena halau sebab ada group lain yg tgh polah task.. So, kurang markah la.. The best thing about 2nd day of camp, we cooked our own lunch.. Pake kayu api gik ya.. Totally new experience.. Semua jadi chef.. tp Kak Yong juak yg kena prepare brg2 and decide apa nak masak.. Luckily my group know how to do, i just told what to cook, prepare ingredient, then the rest cdak nya yg polah.. Mine, only buat sayur cabbage +sardin.. seriously, never eat before, tapi nyaman juak...hehehe... Our group became the 1st group yg siap masak..bangga sekejap sih!!! Then, afternoon, we all plh giant ladder and tree climbing.. I really want to do it!!! But bila ngga group member plh, ok.. i can't do it.. Byk brk pressure dgn kaki.. Plus kaki dah start bengkak... So, just tolong yg ringan-ringan jak.  Malam.. we all ada bbq dinner. Theme, wild-wild west.. We all pun kostum..mmg out..hahaha... Presentation for our group, dpt no 5 je.. ok la ya.. Be honest, i'm not do it all out.. I don't know.. I felt that i'm not give my 100% commitment and focus..  And yes, that night we all akhirnya tido kt dlm dorm...yeaaa..

Last day of camp... we gt 4WD challenge.. really have fun!!! 1st games, i'm not join.. Giant slipper.. I can't do that, sebab kaki confirm kena pijak.. So better x main. The rest, i join.. Part plg best, the last game...hahaha.. sebab we won the game...=)...

After abis challenge, we all balik bilit and kemas barang sebab terus check out. Closing ceremony start at 11.30am.. After that, photo session with Datuk Dr Soo, with my group and then lunch..After lunch, we all dah ready balik dah...=(.. Gonna miss my adik-adik.. So, mcm biasa, semua gago nak bergambar ngan Kak Yong..hahaha...yuppp, my new name.. Siapa start?? Sapa jak lagik mun x si kecik, Syed.. Mula2 nya sorang jak yg nggh Kak Yong. Lps ya si Moses plk dgr, lalu lah semua nggh Kak Yong.. Rasanya nama ya akan lekat sampe bila2...hahaha.. Balik dr OBS ke airport, we all chartered OBS van.. so shared dgn Sandakan group yg fligh nya pkl 3... Bukan main lagik bersalam dgn cdak ya, last-last sama van...hahhaa..sooo funny...

Loke flight earlier than us.. So, he's leaving first. Our flight 7.45pm. So, still have time for shopping. Like usually, destinasi wajib, Filipina Market.. Buy some ikan bilis, keropok and ada yg beli t-shirt, souvenir. After that, pergi Suria Sabah.. part paling best, we all tumpang Dr Bibiana pun aunty, so only 4 of us yg dapat duduk belakang. Means that, sorang kena duduk belakang habis. Guess sapa yg jadi mangsa??? Hahaha....sudah tentu Syed... Ngerepak member.. Dahlah mala kena buli kmk org kt depan... Borhan pun ada juak, tp biasalah, nya just diam jak.. Bukan kedak si Syed.. Nang ngereco jak nya... Sorry dik!!! Power di tangan Kak Yong...hahahah..

By 6 pm.. dah smpe airport.. So makan dlk kat KFC... 7.15pm.. baruk msk boarding hall..Our flight smpe awl ckit, pkl 9pm.. Smpe jak, trs ambik luggage.. Bila nak keluar arrival hall, baru perasan semua dah balit.. Ceh!!! nampak gilak semua dah x sbr nak balit rumah.. Yang tggl cuma Borhan... 

Overall, mmg happening+adventure+best giler... tapi lagik best mun kaki saya x injured, definitely i'll be more active.. I try not to oustanding, try to give opportunity for young patient to be leader. At first look ok, and work.. but at the end, mesti Kak Yong kena masuk campur sbb x dpt buat decision. oh adik2 ku!!! Uols mesti independent... It's ok, it takes time.. i understand that... 
Hopefully next year ada lgk... but i don't think i can go.. Sebab dah 2 kali berturut pergi. Beri peluang dgn yg lain plk.. So.. just wait and see..

Next event?? Maybe NTS kot???    

our boarding pass...

group photo

dalam belon

Mokhsin smpt lgk pose..^_^

Suhaizan tgh plh karangan utk Mokhsin..hahaha

semua busy dgn 'Hope' & 'Fear'

finally our group poster..

nite sessions..

last minute pun presentation..hehehe..

our tent..

group photo+ official wear..
panas giler!!!!

sempat pose sementara nggu turn...=)

masak-masak time...

vege in the making...

sup ayam.. cook by mokhsin..

Mokhsin bangga dgn sup nya..hahaha

yes!!! boleh makan suda!!!

pose dlk before makan....

giant ladder...really want to do this!!

tree climbing..mmg best!!!
tapi sayang, x dpt plh...

cowboy time!!! tp semua x ikut theme..hahaha

Sayang kinabalu ....

yeaaa!!! Lai menari...hahaha

presentation from OBS staff..mmg terbaik!!!

the winner goes to.... Moses group...

yeaaa...Mokhsin menang utk iron hero..No 2...ok la tu!!!

King of The Night..Jason...

Queen of The Night... Lim (rasanya lah!!)..hehe

Jelly..look yummy..

our last game...4WD...

found this in our dorm...

my room mates...
from Kota Marudu

our group photo with our instructor, Elly & Helsie...

pose wajib Faza... tunjuk poster..hahaha

pose lagik.. tp byk yg dah MIA...

me & Mokhsin

Me+Mokhsin+ Suhaizan

Me + Nazri
we in the same group last year..

pose before our last lunch together
but!! where's me??? photographer la..hahaha

menu of the day...

yes... our last lunch at OBS..

with Jason..the cowboy..^_^

coconut drink..

enjoy our coconut drink.. tq Dr Bibiana...=)

kedai wajib pergi..=)

finally.. i need coffee..

Thanks NS Doreen sbb booked MAS for us...hehehe...


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