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Bad day..:'(

Oh my!!!!! what a bad day!!! Keta aku blm sebulan lgk, dah knk langgar..huhuhu....rasa nak nangis...nope bukan nak nangis..mmg dah nangis pun..Nsb kat ofis.. so blh tahan lagik. mun kat rmh mmg dah kembang mata..sob..sob...

If my dad tahu, habis!!! i'm dead!!!! BTW, it's not my fault. Obviously not my fault. Sbb only have 2 lane, and suddently tat car menyelit sebelah kiri keta..dah lah dkt gila. mau nya x knk langgar.. so, semi parah.. Scratch and kemek and left door at passenger side x dapat di buka..sggh sadis di pagi hari. this kind of thing make me scared and worried nak drive. especially when @roundabout. before this, aku mmg fobia dgn roundabout. and now, this thing happened. Makin lah aku takut dgn roundabout. But i have to to go though that area everyday... No option. Ssh bila kita dah careful, tapi org lain sukati jak drive.  Setiap kali nangga kereta, mesti nangis... Sedih giler wei!!!! Baru 3 minggu. Gik berbau keta baru gik ya...huhuhu... Faza plz be strong!!! Semua sudah tertulis, and thing happen for reason. So...think positive... walaupun payah..~sigh~


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