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5th National Thalassaemia Seminar

Another story ttg Thalassaemia... plz dun bored with my post.. dah namanya thalassaemic ladies, msti byk post yg related ngn thalassaemia..=)...

5th National Thalassaemia Seminar, tis year, 6th-7th Oct 2012. Venue, sama lagi, Sunway Putra a.k.a Legend Hotel. 3rd time plh kt ctok. 5 of us attend the seminar, Faza, Khairul, Lai CH, Foo PJ. and Tiong TL. Yg sebenar2nya attend 2 org jak..The rest celang celup...hahaha... Arrived KL on Friday, 5th Oct. Trs check in hotel, like usually, check in hotel yg same place dgn event. Reached hotel, Mama, Zanel and Adda dah tggu kt lobi.. after simpan brg, trs kluar..apa tggu lagi, dinner la..lapar beb... Pg Sukhumvit, tpt peberet Adda..=).. Seriously Tom Yum sia the best!!! No wonder Adda mmg minat giler mkn kt sia..^_^.. Lps mkn, blt hotel.. Ada urusan yg terbengkalai.. Multimedia presentation!!! Ada mistake ckit, nasib Zanel noticed and inform awal. So, at least dpt ubah.. Jmpa Izza and inform yg perlu atur balit and gv the new one tomorrow morning.. Terpaksa tidur akhir...waaaa.... Ini semua salah Mrs info slh..huhu...i follow je apa yg diaorang bagi.. So it's not my fault!!

The next day, event start. Before that breakfast dulu, McD kt bwh jak.. Terjumpa la plk ngn Kakak KTK.. Abis kena enjen kalau si Ucubet tu tahu..hahaha.. After breakfast, trs naik function hall kat Level 9.. Kecoh abis bila jumpa Mama, Adda, Zanel, Zarul n Mus.. Lps tu jumpa plk dgn Ayu and Prof Pustika.. Wahhh, Prof yg tegur kita orang dulu!!! bangga sih!!! hahaha... jumpa jgk dengan Salihah, bakal pengantin.=)..sorry sis, x dpt pergi ur wedding..=(.. 

Opening ceremony...sggh menakutkan!! sebab diaorang akan tunjuk my presentation.. mula2 ok je, part last tu, tetiba je sangkut la plk.. luckily not too obvious.... but still, x puas hati!!! Ptg, Adda n Lee pun session.. Salute Adda, sempoi abis!! Well done sis!!! Lee? Mcm biasa la, ttp nak kenakan orang. Kesian Zanel.. hahaha..Macam ne lah nya boleh dapat gambar Zanel time SEKOLAH RENDAH, ok!! Zanel awal2 lagi dah cabut, coz tahu mesti Lee kenakan nya..

Malam, macam biasa, Dinner of Hope.. plg malang, Lee yg jadi MC.. so, harapan untuk dikenakan oleh Lee Boon Hock amat cerah..hahaha... Part paling best bila Prof Porter and Prof Vip bertandak...hahaha.. So cute!!! Prof Rahman, iboh padah..juara!!hehehe.. But i'm not lucky that nite.. no lucky draw.. Even though most of my friend yang sama table, dapat..wuaaa....Jeles eh!!! Abis jak dinner, trs balik bilik.. malas nak lepak2..

Last day of seminar, Dr Juanda Jaya became one of the speaker. Best nya pun talk. tapi x dapat dengar sampe habis coz Aunty Jasmine suruh ambik buku thal k mbak balik Sarawak.. Before ya, sempat juak bergambar sakan dengan Prof Vip, Prof Pustika and Ayu... Yup, from Antalya, Bangkok and now kt Malaysia.. Prof Vip and Prof Pustika pun dah kenal gilak muka kmk org.. Wakil tetap Malaysia, di mana2 tetap ada...hahahaha.. Ayu inform, cdaknya ada organize Thala Seminar in Nov. Sound great!! tapi same date with my Great Eastern pun function.. Hancusss!!! Lain kali jak la...huhuhu

Lps lunch, sesi fotografi yang x habis2 ngan member thal...mmg x dpt nemu camera. Yg plg bising, biasalah, group mama and the gang...hahaha... Lps check out from Sunway Putra, next destination...jalan time!!!! our flight on Tuesday, so still have another 2 days for shopping... 

On Monday, dah janji ngan nak keluar dgn mama.. Adda x dpt join coz dah kerja.. So, mama, zanel, zarul and mus yang temankan we all shopping. Sempat singgah office TAM. First time sampe ctok..sempat bergambar. Lps lunch, apa tggu lagi, Sungei Wang dah memanggil... =)...

The next day, nothing much to do.. Nak shopping pun, luggage dah penuh. So, just ronda2 area jln TAR... tghari, dah pg KL Sentral, coz dah janji dgn Lai and Foo jumpa kt sia. Our flight, 4.30pm. So, gudbye KL..sampai ketemu lagi..=)..

 register dulu...

wit Ayu and Prof Pustika..=)

10 thn x jumpe...hahaha..wit Saliha

yeaaa..Bangkok team...

with Sabah group...

Dinner of Hope

i like tis photo...

bangkok group + Aecy...=)

wit Prof Vip, Prof Pustika and Ayu.. 
wajib ambik gambar if jumpa diaorang..=)
tat the reason, y they can remember us..hehehe

pose gedik wit Zanel...hahaha

wit adik2 ku...

wit Mama...
yang tok wajib ada...

 the one and the only one gambar wit Lee...

@ TAM office..
berangan jadi bos kjp..hahaha

So?Next trip?? KK lagi..=) 


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