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2nd Thalassaemia Adventure Camp

Yess... fly lagik ke Sabah.. This time attend 4th East Malaysia Thalassaemia Forum &  2nd Thalassaemia Adventure Camp. Last year we all buat kat Miri, this time turn Sabah buat balik. Yg bestnya, for patient different session. More to outing activities. Really have fun. 6 of us from Sarawak. Lo Ai Choo, Claire Chai, Khairul Miza, Willy and myself from Kuching and Wong Yi Zieh from Sibu.

From Kuching earliest flight, 6.10am. So arrived LCCT, KKIA @7.30am. Then we all transit to Terminal 1, KKIA coz Wong use MAS and only reach KK 12pm. So, we all need to wait 4 hours, n lepak at McD. Oh my, caffeine overload sudah. Keep refilling the coffee..hahaha..

So, bila Wong arrived, next destination?? Beringgis Resort, Papar.. Nice place..=).. Luckily, taxi driver willing to wait for us. So, x plu pening kepala fikir transportation.. Around 1.30pm we all sampe resort, proceed with registration. Ambik kunci bilik, trs hntr all the luggage.. Me, same room with Ai Choo, Claire & Wong. Only Khairul different room. 

Petang dah start with  my sharing session. Ok, like usually, belasah saja..hahaha..yg penting share from your heart..=).. Mlm ada activity..prepare for Fancy dress costume. Be honest, i don't have talent doing this kind of thing. Dah lah they choose me to be a leader. Ok, i hate to be a leader. But what to do.. Faza always oustanding..hahhaha..perasan..  X sempat nak habiskan semua. So bring back to my room. Ingatkan nak smbg blt kja. Rupa2nya, msk bilik, brs gigi, cuci muka trs tidur..hampeh punya ketua..hahaha

Next day, i like this part. Outdoor activities. Ada wall climbing and and flying fox. I really excited with flying fox, coz mmg teringin nak buat dr dlk. Finally manage to do it.  Nak buat lagi!!! Wall climbing?? At first kecut perut nak buat. no confident at all. But bila dah half way, rasa seronak la plk!!! plg best, bila dapat climb sampe atas... Semangat giler!!! Just ada certain part, sangkut and really take time to do it. Rasa down pun ada jgk, but thanks to my group member, owz support me..Luv u guys!!! yakin boleh..yakin boleh, yesss, we can do it!!!

Malam ada dinner, and fancy dress time!!! Bila our group turn, ok, Faza dah start merapu...Audien gelak je.. Kena enjin hbs la korang..Hahahha..Tambah lgk our model mmg gedik abis..hehe..Pilihan yg tepat!!..Dapat 2nd place lgk.. bangga sih..walaupun costume last minit alter..hehehe

Last day camp, session wit LEE BOON HOCK... Kena habis dgn Lee.. xpe lee, ada hari aku kenakan kau balik.. Plg sakit hati, Faza je yg kena..KAKAK TUA..sktnya hati.. mengenangkan yg tu member, terima je la.. kakak tua pun kakak tua la.. Mula2, happy je, gelak2.. Then sekelip mata je semua dah menangis bagai nak rak.. Salute you Lee!!! Lihai oooo... Next time, if we all organize our own camp, i'll make sure you be one of the invited speaker. Habis session Lee, maka the camp pun tamat.. Overall, the camp was really fun!!!

After lunch, check out. Then balik KK. Nasib baik ada Matron Maureen yg baik hati. Sudi hntar we all pg Api-api srvc apartment. We stay there 3 days 2 nite. The room quite ok. Gt 2 rooms, 2 bathroom, living room and kitchen. Kesian Willy and Ai Choo, tidur kat living room je. Dinner mlm smpt buat steamboat lgk. Al maklumlah, we all kan ada Chef Khairul..hahaha.. Next day, we all ronda2 kt KK town. Pg Filipino market, Centrepoint n Suria Sabah. Jalan kaki jak. ingatkan Suria Sabah jauh, tup2 jalan punya jalan smbil ambik gmbr, Suria Sabah dah dpn mata. Selamat duit taxi..hehehe

Last day at Sabah, awl pagi Chef Khairul dah berkhidmat.. safe budget..;p.. Then continue balik, shopping at Filipino market. mmg borong hbs. Semua plg mbak kotak besar..hahahha...Luggage yg di beli pun x ckp, waima dah di tambah lgk..Mmg shopping sakan la..Flight blt pkl 3.35pm. So by 12.30 dah check out, and tggu our taxi ambik and hntr ke airport..So, end of our journey at Sabah..Still have one more trip to KK..=)

caffeine overload..;p

2nd Thal Adventure Camp

ready for flying fox..

lupa plk nama game tok..

wall climbing..btw, it's me..

yeahhh...finally done wit adventure camp

akhirnya menjadi juak..pose melompat..hehehe

di angin lalu..kusampaikan kerinduan..;p

girls power...

i'm the most luckiest person in this world..
suddenly she agreed to take photo wit me.. 
what a surprise!!!  

model ku yang gedik..haha
sesi meng'enjen'..hahaha..

me with my group..=)

No 2..ok!! certificate!!!

pose maut dr Mr. Lee..hahaha..

we are from Sarawak!!!

wit Mai...

adik2 yg cilik n comel...=)

with my friend from Sabah

our home sweet home ..=)

steamboat time!!!
my breakfast..mee mamak..
borong time!!!..;p
it's hot!!! 

muka boring menunggu Ai CHoo..;p

Now, masa untuk breakfast..

posing time...entah apa2 jak pose..hehehe..

3 bestie's..=)


AFTER..a lot different..hahaha..
pak teksi..bila mau sampai ni..capek udah..

Ok..done wit KK another KK trip is coming..=)


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