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Thalassaemia Clinic 2012 ~Lawas~

Finally, last destination for Thalassaemia Clinic 2012..Lawas..After a long journey from Limbang + pancit experience..hehehe..We reach Lawas around 5pm.. After check in, sempat gik pergi Ngiukee, the one and the only one supermarket yang besar kt Lawas. Then by 7pm, pergi Lunch. We separete into 2 groups. Yang muslim pergi Sugarbun (oh nooo), while yang non muslim dinner kat bawah hotel je.. Why Sugarbun?? sebab we all bawak 2 orang member dari Semaenanjung, Salihah & En Emran.. Kan cinun xda Sugarbun.. So, layan je la.. =)..

After dinner, balik hotel. But Sn Yong still not come back.. Berjalan la pulak makcik ya.. So, Salihah & me plan nak join dioarang. On the way nak turun hotel, jumpa pulak Dr Najib. So 3 of us pun join la Misi Yong n friends.. Jauh juak cdak ya berjalan, nun sampe Hotel Seri Malaysia.  Not bad.. nice hotel. So rasanya next time if ada camp, for sure they'll do it here..=)
The next day, early in the morning Sn Yong & myself dah pergi pasar tamu.. Nak cari kelupis, makanan wajib mun pergi Lawas. after breakfast, 8am, Hospital Lawas pun transport dah nggu dpn hotel.. So, start to work.. I dunno why i'm really busy that day.. Rasa mcm x ckp masa jak.. No time for coloring, so Adeline yg handle it. Kesian Adeline.. Like usually, after lunch, my session for presentation. The clinic finished quite early. So after everything done, we all hv a move to airport. Yea... this time twin otter...hahaha... Everyone seem very excited..hehehe.. Me, relax je coz this is not my first experience wit twin otter, eksyen la my job, menakutkan mereka yg x pernah naik twin otter...hahhaha..jahatnya FAZA..;p

Sampe kt Miri Airport, need to wait our next flight to Kuching.. So lepak kat Marrybrown first.. Our flight around 7pm. So we reached Kuching around 8 pm.. Goodbye Salihah, Prof Mary and Mr Emran.. Glad to met all of you..=).. Hope to see you all again in future..  

Hotel Seri Malaysia..but we not stay here..hehehehe

Group photo ~research team+medical team~
but boss Novartis hilang la pulak..;p

Lawas Waterfront

me & Adeline

Canggih giler nya pun pintu..
just wave jak nya pun card..trs buka...mmm...not bad..=)

souvenir for thala kids..

concentrate with my video..=)

Abdul Azzim..first time do own DFO 

tiba2 kecoh ada anak ular sawa dalam trasport KKM

alamak!!! tok jak yang sempat utk group photo..

me wit my thala sis n bro

Arrival gate @ Lawas Airport

me & Salihah

Me & Prof Mary

Faza & Ms Koo

mesti sorang hilang..Ah Boon!!!

big scale..=)

check in counter..

Mr Emran, first time naik twin otter..=)

my boarding pass

Lawas Airport

Departure Gate

thank you Sr Wang for Bario rice..
everytime pergi Lawas mesti dapat beras tok..=)

our flight n our pilot

manual ok!!

Pilot of the day..

pilot pun fan special sikit..hehehe

No Smoking..antik jak..hehehe

me & Salihah @Marrybrown

yesss...Finally, all in this photo..=)

Done with my thalassaemia clinic 2012..Next?? KL & Melaka trip..see you soon...=)


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