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Thalassaemia Clinic 2012 ~Miri~

Sorry for late update...It's March and i only update on June.. too lazy to open my blog ~sigh~...but try my best to update it..What can i say, it was FUN...Met my thala bro n sis at Miri.. it had been a year after 3rd East Malaysia Thalassaemia Forum.. I'm back ~miri~.. 

Our flight early in the morning, 7 6am already at KIA.. Our thala team include, Prof Mary and Saliha frm UM, Dr Chin  & Dr Ashley frm Unimas, Ms Koo & Boon frm CDR Pharmacy, Adeline frm Novartis and Dr Ong, Sn Yong & myself...really had fun wit this team.. Met new friend, Salihah, very sweet girl. We reached Miri around 8am and we went breakfast first. After that direct to Miri Hospital.. and credit to Dr Najib..hehehe...a very good driver during our stay at Miri...hahahha..While the patient see Dr's, Adeline and me handle coloring session wit patient. During lunch break, presentation time.. I hate tis session because i'm doing it..hehehehe.. After finish, we check in at Mega Hotel  & out of sudden, remember a year back... Such a wonderful memories..=)... opppsss forgot to inform, BOSS Novartis pun join, Mr Emran, TQ for joining us..=)

Ikmal tgh meng'coloring'

yg tok, Aliya 

Natalie...she's cute..=)

 Ah Loke n his mum sdg busy dgn questionaire

 patient Miri plg nakal..Mashier Aziz..

 kaler jgn x kaler..

 my session ..I club introduction...

 Miri patient with Novartis representative, Adeline & Mr Emran

 Say Cheese...=) 

 Siti Afiqah.. very adorable...=) .. tp sombong...hahahah

 Ching Xi patient

 this belong to natalie...Nice..but sheep+pink???

  Jacky Yii    

Dinner at Sajian Warisan..nyum2..

forgot abt tis one...

ikan bakar wit sambal

Ok...done wit Miri trip...later will continue wit Limbang, just wait n see...=)


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