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Thal Clinic 2012~Limbang~

Our journey continue at Limbang Hospital.. Sunday, 10th March 2012... Flight we all early in the morning, 6.45 am... Arrived Limbang at 7.15, 30 minit je..=).. Nasib baik naik Aerospatiale/Alenia ATR72 a.k.a fokke (btl kah spelling??hehehe).. Seriously, interiornya not bad & canggih compared than before.. Terkejut jgk ngga nya pun tv screen pop up dr atas.. Canggih siotttt....But the best part is, my friend Saliha baru je nak baca novel, tup2 dah smpai kt Limbang...hahahaha.... 
We spent less than 1 day at Limbang, so it's quite rushing.. By 2 we need to move because we went to Lawas by road.. Ok, new experience. Need to enter Brunei.. Funny  thing happened, Dr Chin kept reminding us to bring our passport.. but at the end, she brought a wrong expired one. Luckily, immigration officer didn't notice.. so she lucky..hehehe...
Then, sumthing happened.. Pancit la pulak... Tgh2 highway pg Lawas, tayar van pancit.. Tu la, eksyen sgt bila naik SG...Konon nya dpt jump que kt feri...tsenyum bangga +smpt lagik melambai si Ah Boon dgn tujuan nak nyakit hati..hahaha.. Last2, Ah Boon pun transport yg tlg kt org...hahaha..Moral of the story, jgn eksyen gilak.,..hahaha...
 The journey takes almost 2 1/2 hour (include pancit time, hehehe).. Smpe Lawas around 5pm. 

Our flight, MH3470

Canggih x????

Finally we here...Comel je airport nya...

Fully manual...

Shafiee dgn drawing nya...

Norman Hakim 

aku dah bg dia nak jugak lukis sendiri...
Norman & Shafiee

Comel jak nya pun handwriting...hehehe

Khairul Family..confuse dgn nama cdak tok adik beradik..

Nor Dania Rawiyah

Iron Hero winner...Emmanuel

Another winner...Lupa lah namanya...hehehehe

Ni Norman Hakim...pun Iron Hero

Nurul Madihah yg comel...=)
keep a good work sis...

photo session wit adik2 ku..

wit patient & parents & Adeline...

1st time.. Kesian nya...ur journey just begin sis...
be strong..=)

I migration Post @ Limbang 

Ferry Btg Pandaruan..
Limbang & Brunei pun border

dah smpi Brunei experience... tayar pancit otw ke Lawas...

mmg x dpt diselamatkan..

ok..done wit Limbang will be Lawas... =).. see you soon...


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