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aku stress ada kawan mcm kau!!!!

like usually, bila da problem baruk gago nak buka blog...lurah hdp aku..
be honest, sepanjang 29 thn aku hdp kt dunia tok, just now i realize it's not easy to find a  good friend. kwn yg kita sangka kwn, rupanya talam dua muka, hipokrit, gunting dlm lipatan, kwn mkn kwn..nang semua lengkap..sedih glk2... i put trust on her, but see what she do to me??stab frm the back...really sad & disappointed.. she totally different frm her sister. married, but doesn't act like someone who i aspect to be matured after changing her status..jealous x tentu psl. just small matter, but see what happened? i'll forgive her, but not to forget. Not so easy to give forgiveness. i'm not trust you anymore. as u wish, i'll get out from your life my dear friend. no more hang out, no more movies.. just keep my word.. i 'll do it, i wont interfere  your life anymore. until one day, u'll looking for me again..we'll see.. you make me sad, angry, disappointed, so i'll do this..AVOIDING YOU....


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