Hi everyone... i'll give a little bit intro about myself.. why i call myself with zazythalassemic ladies? it's because i'm a thalassaemia patient. what is thalassaemia? it's a blood inherited disorder..if you want to know more about thalassaemia, just search www.thalassaemia.org.cy or just type thalassaemia on your search engine. i'm diagnose with thalassaemia at the age of 5 month and now i'm 27 years old. Can you imagine it???before that, i'm from Malaysia and of coz boleh bercakap bahasa melayu.
like other patient, i do my regular blood transfusion, once a month..sakit? x lah..mcm gigit semut je..hehe..kalau dulu, time kecik-kecik, baru nampak bilik treatment dah macam orang histeria..now, boleh lepak kt treatment room..;p
actually banyak lagik stories tentang my life as a thalassaemia patient...so, just wait...
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