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another KK trip...♥♥♥

Yes!!! Finally dapat juak kamek orang pergi Sabah on 3 Nov selepas macam2 karenah birokrasi..perghhh..bahasa..hahaha...Sangat leceh.. Nasib baik ada insan yang bernama Fazalena Johari, yang sentiasa ngaro social worker selagik x dapat confirmation.. (mode puji dirik pun kejap..hehehe). So, 3 Nov, flight macam biasa, earliest flight, pukul 6 am. Reached LCCT KKIA pukul 7.30am. And guess what?? we are in the same flight with Hitz FM birthday invasion crew.. SO??? Ada Ean!!!  i like.. Masa kat KIA, x namapk nya. I only saw Jay. But then, bila dah masuk plane, tiba2..macam ku kenal jak muka tok??? EAN!!!! tapi sayang nya duduk kat seat belakang sekali. We all kan under government warrant, so of course la hot seat, depan habis. So, bila sampe LCCT, wahhh..mode menggatal datang... sengaja berjalan selambat yang boleh..ngeh..ngeh... Masa tunggu luggage Khairul and Ai Choo, cdak nya nunggu kat area kamek orang.. adik ku Ravind, bukan main lagik dah volunteer ngambik gambar.. Tapi, saya jual mahal..hahaha .. Akhirnya Stave yang jadi driver kamek org tiba2 nunggah si Jay," can we take photo with u?".. Dan saya dengan penuh excited, 'can we take photo with Ean also??" terus... Part tok paling best... time bergambar ngan Ean jak (Faza n Ean only, ok!!), dia peluk la pulak bahu aku..terus tergamam kejap..hahaha..teruk la kau Faza!!! Even masa gambar dengan Jay pun nya masih pegang bahuku!! oh tidak!!!! Lepas photo session, terus cabut..pergi QE lagik..

Ok..cukup cerita tentang Ean..hehehe..sambung cerita MRI T2*. This is my 3rd time do this MRI.. first at S'pore, then at Sentosa Medical. So, dah ok and no more nervous. But for Khairul and Claire, this is first time they do it. So, like us, we used with it and we do it faster than them. But i think Claire doing quite well. We all finish quite early, around 12 o'clock. Then, some of us use taxi, while Khairul, Ravind and me wait for Stave. So, we go direct to Sutera Harbour for check in. And you know what??? Hitz Fm crew also stay there... We met Jay at hotel lobby.. Excited balik dah...hahhaa... Lepas simpan barang, apa tunggu lagik?? Shopping time!!!! We all decide pergi Centrepoint jak.. Ambik senang coz shuttle bus pun berhenti kat sia.. So, after lunch kt KFC, we all pergi ronda-ronda centrepoint and tempat wajib pergi, DAISO..kede Ai Choo..hehehe.. Finally, dapat juak aku angkut payung transparent yang dari tahun bila ntah memang aku nak beli.. Around 4pm dah balit nggu shuttle bus, coz malam dah janji nak kluar ngan Stave and Steve. Just kmk 3, Khairul, and Ravind jak balit. Ai Choo, Chia Lih and Claire tiba2 hilang, rupa2nya dah make taxi, pergi Chinatown.. nang sekejap..By 5pm dah sampe hotel. And masa nak pergi blt bilik, dari jauh dapat kulihat Ean..hehe.. Then bila sampe bilit, found out yang room cdaknya depan bilit kmk org jak...hahaha..apa lagik si Ravind, peluang utk ngenak Faza..jahat punya budak!!!

Malam, pkl 7pm something, Stave sampe. So, terus pergi Gaya Seafood. 2nd time pergi ctok. First skali pergi dengan cdak Debbie. Stave memang dera kmk 2 Khairul. Penuh cgek table dengan makanan. Memang kenyang abis... Tapi plg best, lepas makan sia, dapat gik sambung lepak kat Tutti Frutti..hahaha.. Memang excited, coz mmg dah lamak nak makan Tutti Frutti.. My comment?? mmg sedap... hopefully Kuching akan ada franchise Tutti Frutti in future. Lepas pusing KK town, around 10.30am, Stave hantar balit. 

Next morning, pkl 6 am dah bangun.. Coz Ai Choo dah ngerepak, x dapat nangga sunrise...Mau nya x ngerepak, bila aku dengan confident madah, sunrise pukul 6am..tup2, pkl 6am, matahari dah terbit..hahaha... Last2, mandi and kmk 2 turun breakfast. The rest, pande2 lah ngidup dirik pun..hehehe... Pkl 7.15am, yang 4 org lagik ya, dah terkayo tepi beach, ambik gambar.. Apa lagik??? posing time??? Macam-macam pose jak keluar. Ravind and Khairul take turn ambik gambar. Seriously, view kt Sutera Harbour memang kacak... Pukul 8am, we all dah tercongak depan bus..hahaha.. Penumpang paling awal dan bersemangat nak pergi shopping. 5 of us jak yg pergi, Chia Lih x mauk ngekot and just stay kat bilit. Driver bus pun dah kenal gilak ngan kmk org. Mau nya x, kmk 6 jak orang local naik bus ya. The rest semua tourist dr luar.. hahaha.. So, next destination for shopping.. Filipino market..nothing much to buy coz baruk last Oct balit dari Sabah juak. So, just beli barang yang di pesan Kak Ju, Sister and Nijah. Mak just pesan beli ikan masin. So, this time mbak balit cgek kotak kecik jak... hehehe... Mission accomplished... Trs balik hotel, around 11am.. then check out and tggu driver taxi ambik. Same taxi driver yang kmk org pake masa last vacation at KK. Ambik senang.. and Hitz Fm crew pun balit juak.. but xda lagik nangga muka Ean and Jay, most probably pake earlier flight and some use afternoon flight. Sampe airport, kepanasan. Aircond ada, tapi macam xda. Flight pukul 3.35pm. Sampe Kuching pukul 5pm... Next update?? Dunno yet...hehhee.... This is the last holiday for this year.. Next year, January have I Club programme with Novartis at Miri. So, will update for that..=)

Me wit Ean... oh my!!! Ean pegang bahuku!!!

and...Ean masih pegang bahuku...hahaha

done with MRI T2*..
pose kejap depan Diagnostik Department

nang x dapat nangga cermin..hehehe
pose wajib Khairul & me if nangga cermin..;p
taken before hang out with Stave and Steve

butter prawn...
but butter prawn kat Topsport tetap menjadi pujaan..^_^

Sabah Vege..rasa macam money chai..

close up siput tarik..
2nd time makan siput tok..

Khairul with her siput tarik...

makan lagik...Finally dapat juak makan kat ctok..
really yummy..especially mine, red velvet flavour

yea!!! tutti frutti..=)

sorry gelap...but we are here!!! Tutti Frutti

Good Morning KK!!

my favorite girl photo... 

and also this..
thanks Ravind, jd photographer we all..hehehe

like usually, aku juak yang pose melampau..hahaha

my fav for profile photo..
sampaikan Uncle Dunstan mintak original copy
utk cover bukunya..boleh claim royalti...hehe

and also cover album...

rasa kat oversea jap..hahaha

finally Ravind in the photo with us..

luv tis also..

transport rasmi sepanjang kt Sutera Harbour Hotel..

Khairul sempat pose kat pintu bas..
Pakcik driver yang baik hati pun tumpang sekaki..hehehe

ikan terubok..sabah version..


seahorse yang dah dikeringkan...

yeaaa..sempat lagik bergambar dengan Abang Awie..
semua dah mbak kotak masing2..
kedai wajib pergi mun pergi Sabah....Kedai Awie..

final pose..before pergi airport...


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