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Showing posts from 2014

Really miss this place... Baitullah & Madinah Al Munawarah

Lamak dah x update my blog. Last sekali rasanya early of 2014. Now, mid of year 2014. How time flies.... Nothing much happen. Life goes on like usual. My parents baru balit umrah last night. And it make me think about this wonderful place. Baitullah and Kota Madinah. Seriously, really miss this place. Really want to go there again. Mesti dah banyak berubah. It has been 8 year after my hajj. I'm wondering how this place look like now.  I miss my friend yg sama pergi haji, Azim and kakak2 & makcik2, especially Kak Zu and Kak Cik. Kak Zu, i still contact her. Kak Cik jak xda contact lagi. Makcik yang dua org ya entah apa khabar nak kah??? Doa yang terbaik untuk cdaknya. Hopefully masih sihat walafiat. And yessss... i reallllllllyyyyy miss my sarawak group!!!! yang sempoi & gila2... Ya Allah...rindu yang teramattttttttttttttt sangattttttttttttttt..... Semoga Allah terus murahkan rezekiku & dapat jejakkan kaki sekali lagi ke Bumi suci Mu Ya Allah..  ...

2014...Any plan for this year???

it's Feb 2014....How time flies..kjp jak dah masuk bulan febuari. A few thing happened early this year. Include my car knk hit twice.. within a month. Mula2 end of Dec and then middle of January 2014. Malang sungguh starting for year 2014. At the end my mum plh ketupat lepas and my baby white kenak ketis..hahaha see???? knk ketis tepung tawar...hahaha Plan for 2014?? ada a few.. Adelaide, Ho Chi Min and Bali+Bandung+Jakarta... But just a plan.. But i really want to go to Australia... Need to think carefully. a lot of think i need to consider.. From flight, accommodation, food, etc... In Sya Allah, murah rezeki, kita pergi!!! Thalassaemia... another lost this year. Pippy.. Shocked!!! 31st Jan 2014 nya passed away. A few day before, nya ada post kt FB. Tgh tunggu blood. Same day with my transfusion day. A week before, 3 of us, Khalid, Pippy and me chat at FB. they planned to come here, Kuching. I promised mbak nya 2 jalan-jalan..  Tapi Tuhan lebih sayang kan ...

Thalassaemia Motivation Camp 2013: Miri Region

Yes!!! Another Motivation Camp for year 2013. Our last camp for this year. Overall, i can say, very successful, well organize..hahaha..puji dirikpun lok!!!! Just after 6th NTS kat Sabah, we continue our programme at Miri.. Very hectic week!!! Tapi best!!! sebab dapat jumpa all my thala friend and adik-adik.. Khairul and me reached Miri quite early. Loke fetch us and sent us to Bintang Plaza for shopping. Yes, Loke too busy sampe x dapat nak join we all. Even camp pun nya x pergi..adoi!!! orang harapan aku!!! So, nya just ambik and anta..haha... We need to do some shopping sebab ada a few thing like stationery, prizes for games belum di beli. Malas nak angkut dari Kuching.. so we shopping at Miri!!! x sampe sejam dah habis with shopping.. Mmg sekejap... Spent almost RM 200 for all this thing.. Claims jangan x claims!!! Lunch, makan jak kt mana2 kedai yg ada. Last2 we two pilih station one.. Then, just tunggu loke ambik around 1pm.  My sis in law dapat ambik pkl 5pm. So, we ...